An outgrowth of Neuro Linguistic
Programming (NLP) and hypnosis is Time Line Therapy®.
Time Line Therapy® is
a fast form of brief cognitive behavior therapy based on
the premise that who we are and how we behave
is based upon all of our experiences and everything we
have learned. Because those experiences and learnings and
way we perceive them is stored in the unconscious, traditional
therapy that works at the conscious level is generally
very time consuming and in many cases ineffective. If we
what was causing us problems in the present consciously,
we would do something about them. Since all of our behavior
is stored in the unconscious, we need to work with the
unconscious in order to get to the root causes of our problems
and behaviors.
The Two Session Solution of Hollywood/Fort Lauderdale and
North Miami Florida has over a 90% success rate using Time
Line Therapy® along with NLP and other therapies
to help its clients overcome their issues in only a few
Line Therapy®, in practice for
over twenty years, is a series of techniques that allows
your unconscious to easily
release all your negative stored emotions and limiting decisions
(such as “I can’t be happy”) in just a
few hours, freeing you from your past and allowing you to
make the present and future the way you want them to be.
It is our perception of our experiences
that colors and determines our behavior today. We are all “triggered” to
behave in certain ways based upon past experiences, good
and bad. Once you release the negative emotions you felt
during an experience, such as anger, sadness, fear, guilt,
emotional hurt, you can change your perception of those experiences
which in turn will change your behavior. We can all remember
a time when we felt sad—unfortunately for some people
our unconscious not only stores the memory of the sadness
but the sadness itself. You cannot be free of your past until
you can release the stored negative emotion.
Until you can release the stored negative emotions,
Each of us stores memories and associated events and emotions
in a time line in our unconscious and those events and
our perceptions of those experiences make us who we are
and program our behavior. As your unconscious releases
those negative emotions, your conscious and unconscious
will also begin to correct the errors in your self-programming
that have caused you to create negative patterns in your
life, such as thinking that you are not good enough or
that you don't deserve success or happiness.