Neuro Linguisitic
Time Line Therapy Practitioner Training
No Trainings are currently scheduled for 2022-2023.
Neuro Linguisitic Programming (NLP) explains how
the mind actually works in terms of our own self-programming using
verbal and non-verbal communication and how that communication affects
how we perceive ourselves and the world around us. In other words,
NLP is how to use the language of the mind to consistently achieve
our specific and desired outcomes whether in our own behavior or
that of others. During this training you will learn how, when, why,
and where to use the many tools of NLP. Topics are listed below.
The training will give each of you a far better understanding of
how you interact with others, how others interact with society,
and how you can change your life and others around you for the better.
- Neuro—The nervous system (the mind),
through which our experience is processed via our five senses:
Visual (sight), Auditory (sound), Kinesthetic (touch), Olfactory
(smell), and Gustatory (taste).
- Linguisitic—Language and other non-verbal
communication systems through which our neural representations
are coded, ordered, and given meaning. These include pictures,
sounds, feelings, tastes, smells, and our own inner self-talk.
- Programming—The ability to discover and
use the programs that we run (our communication to ourselves and
others) in our neurological systems to achieve our specific and
desired outcomes.
Time Line Therapy® is an outgrowth of hypnosis and NLP. Each of
us stores memories and associated events and emotions in a time line
in our unconscious/subconscious and those events and experiences make
us who we are and program our behavior. Time Line Therapy helps you
release all past negative emotions and self-limiting decisions from
your life. As your subconscious releases those negative emotions, your
conscious and subconscious will also begin to correct the errors in
your self-programming that have caused you to create negative patterns
in your life, such as thinking that you are not good enough or that
you don't deserve success or happiness.
NLP Practitioner Training
Definition of NLP |
Anchoring |
NLP Communication Model |
State Elicitation |
Five Principles for Success |
States for Stacking Anchors |
State vs. Goal |
Collapse Anchors |
Physiology of Excellence |
Chaining Anchors |
Well Formed Conditions |
Keys to an Achievable Outcome |
Presumptions of NLP |
Strategies |
The Meta State |
Metaphors |
Rapport |
Reframing |
Representational Systems |
Six-Step Reframe |
Eye Patterns |
Meta Model III |
Submodalities |
NLP Model of Therapy |
Swish Patters |
Parts Integration |
Conscious Use of Language |
Dissociative Technique |
Presuppositions |
Fast Phobia Mode |
Hierarchy of Ideas |
5-Step Sales Process |
Milton Model |
Negotiating—Influence |
The Meeting Format |
Prime Directives of the Unconscious |
Time Line Therapy
Practitioner Training
- Elicitation of the Time Line
- Discovering the Root Cause
- Negative Emotions
- The Three Things to Check at Position 3
- General Reframes
- Steps for Putting a Single Goal in Your Future