Anxiety is defined as a feeling of apprehension or fear for which the source may be known (such as test anxiety) or not known or easily recognized, such as a general feeling of uneasiness in a situation for no apparent reason. Anxiety is usually triggered by your unconscious mind and research shows the most common sources for anxiety are conditioning (58%), instruction (e.g., by their parents) (10%), or acquired vicariously or couldn’t remember the original trigger (25%). The Two Session SolutionSM of Hollywood/Ft. Lauderdale and North Miami, Florida, has over a 90% success rate in using Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) methods including Neuro Linguistic Programming and Time Line Therapy® to resolve the underlying issues that trigger your anxiety and any underlying fear and therefore allow you to live a normal life.

Anxiety can be triggered due to unrealistic expectations or beliefs. Anxiety can also be triggered due to situations where shyness or lack of confidence is present. For example, someone with a fear of public speaking will often experience anxiety prior to the actual event of speaking in public. Just thinking about it often creates feelings of nervousness, fear and anxiety and can continue through to the actual event, often causing extreme frustration and an inability to perform. In these cases, we use our advanced methods to resolve and eliminate the root cause of the fear and then eliminate the anxious feelings that were associated with the behavior.

According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), anxiety can be accompanied by physical symptoms such as twitching or trembling, muscle tension, headaches, sweating, dry mouth and abdominal pain. Other symptoms may be present including dizziness, rapid heart rate, rapid breathing, fatigue, irritability and sleep difficulties.

Many standard “talk” therapies work on treating the symptoms of anxiety rather the treating and resolving the root causes. The NIH states that CBT methods are one of the best ways to treat anxiety. Neuro Linguistic Programming and Time Line Therapy, which are rapid treatment forms of CBT, work at both the conscious and unconscious levels to find the specific triggers that cause a person to have feelings of anxiety and to remove and correct these behaviors so you can be free of anxiety and all the accompanying symptoms.

Many people who suffer with anxiety also have other related issues that need to be addressed such as sadness and stress and may display symptoms such as overeating to try to deal with these feelings. Once you resolve the underlying causes, we also work with you to correct and remove the related symptoms so you can move on with your life the way you want it to be.

"Though I knew I had the intelligence and ability to perform well on my exams for entrance into graduate school, I was fraught with test anxiety that continually impeded my performance. However, one hour-long session with Basil restored my confidence in my own ability and alleviated my anxiety. I performed so well on my test that I have now been admitted to one of the top doctoral programs in the country."
- Nicole J.


Two Session Solution spotlighted for insomnia and sleep disorders on FOX 7 NEWS in South Florida

Two Session Solution’s Basil Papanastassiou profiled on sports hypnosis on Comcast Newsmakers (January 2005).

Two Session Solution’s Burt Borkan on advanced therapy on Comcast Newsmaker (December 2004).

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A medical referral may be required for certain conditions.

Time Line Therapy® is a registered trademark of Everett W. (Tad) James,
and is licensed exclusively to the Time Line Therapy® Association.