When someone is committed to making a positive change in themselves, we can help. Here are just a few of our recent success stories:

" Thank you, I just wanted to let you know I scored a perfect score on my BAP (Police Behavioral Assessment Portion) Test...a perfect score on all the scenarios, your session helped me with my confidence and motivation. It even helped my recall of the material. I would like to thank you once again for your assistance. I scored 5 of 5 in every scenario."

- G.L.

"I was going through a period of high stress and found I had trouble sleeping every night. Burt did one session with me and gave me a personal trigger phrase to put myself to sleep within a minute whenever I was having problems sleeping. In less than 2 weeks of using the command, I was back to normal sleep habits. Now, almost four years later, I still occasionally have a night when I can't get to sleep and I just say the phrase and I'm asleep almost instantly."

- Kevin W.

" Though I knew I had the intelligence and ability to perform well on my exams for entrance into graduate school, I was fraught with test anxiety that continually impeded my performance. However, one hour-long session with Basil restored my confidence in my own ability and alleviated my anxiety. I performed so well on my test that I have now been admitted to one of the top doctoral programs in the country."

- Nicole J.

A competitive amateur bodybuilder found himself at a plateau in his training. During his first sports hypnosis session, we determined the cause and used hypnosis to eliminate the underlying issue. A second session reinforced his goals and his new training attitude allowing him to resume his progress at an increased pace.

A man suffered from severe panic attacks during exams or tests, even though he'd been working for years and knew the material completely. During his hypnosis session, we worked through the reasons for the panic attacks and taught him methods to relax himself in similar situations. He was able to take the test without any further difficulties and earned his professional license.

A woman with a high stress job found herself with bouts of insomnia due to a build up of tension during the day. Learning self-hypnosis provided her with a tool, which allows her to get into bed, use her "trigger" word, and fall asleep naturally within a minute.














Two Session Solution spotlighted for IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) on WPLG 10 ABC News in South Florida

Two Session Solution spotlighted for insomnia and sleep disorders on FOX 7 NEWS in South Florida

Two Session Solution’s Basil Papanastassiou profiled on sports hypnosis on Comcast Newsmakers (January 2005).

Two Session Solution’s Burt Borkan on advanced therapy on Comcast Newsmaker (December 2004).

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Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
| Non-Organic Impotence |Sports Performance Enhancement | Other Issues |
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Two Session SolutionSM and The Two Session Solution logo are Service Marks of The Two Session Solution, Inc.
A medical referral may be required for certain conditions.

Time Line Therapy® is a registered trademark of Everett W. (Tad) James,
and is licensed exclusively to the Time Line Therapy® Association.