
Hypnosis-related Articles

  • Scientific American article from July 2001 entitled "The Truth and Hype of Hypnosis - Though often denigrated as fakery or wishful thinking, hypnosis has been shown to be a real phenomenon with a variety of therapeutic uses -- especially in controlling pain."

  • A correspondent from National Public Radio (NPR) reports on her experience at a stage hypnosis show and her surprisingly effective private session to help her sleep better.

  • Chronic Indigestion study from December 2002 issue of Gastroenterology shows hypnosis more effective for immediate and long-term relief than standard medications. Another website lists a brief synopsis of various hypnosis-related IBS studies from 1984 to the present. Two related articles on Irritable Bowel Syndrome are also available from Newsweek/MSN, one about Hypnosis for IBS and another about Hypnosis for IBS and other issues.

Neuro Linguistic Programming

Time Line Therapy®

  • Time Line Therapy is an outgrowth of NLP that allows the release of all past negative emotions and allows you to start the process of projecting a successful future.


  • Huna is the original art and science of healing and spiritual development of the Hawaiian people. Another site for Huna training in Hawaii is listed here
  • .





Two Session Solution spotlighted in 2005 for insomnia and sleep disorders on FOX 7 NEWS in South Florida

Two Session Solution’s Basil Papanastassiou profiled on sports hypnosis on Comcast Newsmakers (January 2005).

Two Session Solution’s Burt Borkan on advanced therapy on Comcast Newsmaker (December 2004).


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Two Session SolutionSM and The Two Session Solution logo are Service Marks of The Two Session Solution, Inc.
A medical referral may be required for certain conditions.

Time Line Therapy® is a registered trademark of Everett W. (Tad) James,
and is licensed exclusively to the Time Line Therapy® Association.