There are many issues which can be helped or resolved using the newest and best methods currently available. The Two Session SolutionSM of Hollywood/Ft. Lauderdale and North Miami, Florida, offers help using Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), Time Line Therapy®, hypnosis, Huna and other advanced rapid methods of Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT). We have listed many of the common issues on our website, but we can help you with many others. Some of the issues we can help with are Test Anxiety, Memory Improvement, Road Rage, Anger Management, Stress Management, Relaxation, Grief and Sadness, Guilt and Confidence Building. We can also teach you methods of Self Hypnosis, Goal Setting and Goal Achievement. In addition, we deal with physical issues such as General Physical Discomfort, Fibromyalgia, HIV issues and more.

There are so many issues that we can help you with that we can’t possibly list them all here. Call us to find out if we can help you with whatever it is you’re having problems with. We offer a free 30 minute consultation by phone or in person to review your particular problem and find out what we can do to help you. For a list of the methods we use, please refer to the OUR METHODS section of the website. You can also get more information about us on our site including our CODE OF ETHICS, FEES and information on OUR PRACTITIONERS. After your free consultation, we will advise what methods we would recommend using with you, the amount of session time and number of sessions required and the total cost. You can then decide if you want to go forward with your therapy.

Call us today at 305-968-6528 or 954-966-7300 to schedule your free consultation or if you have any questions that were not covered in our website.

“I’ve had back pain on and off for a couple of years, although the condition has stabilized. A recent car accident aggravated the pain and my doctor suggested medications. After just one session with Burt, my back pain disappeared completely and I’ve been pain free for months.”
Carlos G.

“I used to get very agitated when I had to sit at a stoplight for more than a few seconds. Basil did a little work with me and I found I no longer let a stoplight bother me.”
Ron P.

“I love to sing and have a great voice, but every time I have to go up on stage I felt really nervous and uncomfortable. I had tried hypnosis in the past but I never really went into trance. Burt was able to trance me in less than 10 minutes and less than an hour later all my nervousness was gone. I enjoy singing more now and don’t feel any anxiety before I go onstage.”
Brent G


Two Session Solution spotlighted for insomnia and sleep disorders on FOX 7 NEWS in South Florida

Two Session Solution’s Basil Papanastassiou profiled on sports hypnosis on Comcast Newsmakers (January 2005).

Two Session Solution’s Burt Borkan on advanced therapy on Comcast Newsmaker (December 2004).

Home | Our Practitioners | Code of Ethics | Fees | Office Locations/Directions | About Us
Anxiety | Body Image/Self-Esteem | Depression | Fears/Phobias | Habits | Insomnia/Sleep Issues
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
| Non-Organic Impotence |Sports Performance Enhancement | Other Issues |
Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) | Time Line Therapy | Hypnosis | Huna | Free Consultation | Success Stories
Seminars/Trainings | Resources/Links | Media Kit | Contact Information


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Two Session SolutionSM and The Two Session Solution logo are Service Marks of The Two Session Solution, Inc.
A medical referral may be required for certain conditions.

Time Line Therapy® is a registered trademark of Everett W. (Tad) James,
and is licensed exclusively to the Time Line Therapy® Association.